Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Mass Effect 3 Demo

As previously mentioned, I got my hands on the Mass Effect 3 playable demo at Eurogamer Expo 2011. Essentially, it was the same level on the Salarian homeworld, Sur'Kesh, shown at PAX Prime last month where you are accompanied by Liara and Garrus to assist Mordin in escorting of the Krogan female off-world. Standing in the way were Cerberus Troopers, Centurions and an Atlas mech.

Soldier Class

The first thing I wanted explore was the new power development & skill point system. From memory, the Soldier class had the following powers:

  • Adrenaline Rush
  • Concussive Shot
  • Frag Grenade
  • Incendiary Ammo
  • Disruptor Ammo
  • Cryo Ammo
  • Combat Mastery
  • Fortitude

Each power has six levels, rather than the four levels in ME2. Levels 4, 5 and 6 in ME3 are similar to level 4 power evolution in ME2, where you have two different evolution options to choose from.

Next up was finding a bench and looking at the weapon customisation; certainly a welcome return since we last saw it in ME1. However, it’s little different this time around in ME3. Rather than having one weapon upgrade and one ammo upgrade like in the first game, ME3 dedicates both upgrade slots to solely the weapon; affecting it’s Stability, Magazine, Weapon Damage, Rate of Fire & Accuracy. Depending on the part, the weapon’s appearance can change with additional of new muzzles and grips added to it.

So now that my squad had been set up with the right powers and my weapons were sorted it was time to defend the pod holding the Krogan female. I started to run for cover as I sighted the Cerberus Trooper approaching. Immediately, I found Shepard rolling forwards proving the Commander has graduated from the Gears of War School of Running & Ducking since ME2. And as I fire off the first volley of rounds from my trusty M-96 Mattock rifle, I realised that this is a different beast from the one I used to take down the Human Reaper at the end of ME2. Dice’s audio fiddling have clearly added extra intricateness to each gunshot as the noise of the gun's internal mechanics can be heard returning to their primed position. It was the same case for the M-12 Locust SMG and M-3 Predator heavy pistol. However, not all change was good. I soon discovered that Bioware had reigned in the Mattock’s rate of fire. Whilst it used to be ‘as fast as you could pull the trigger button again’, burning through a thermal clip was now noticeably slower and even frustratingly slow whilst using the Adrenaline Rush power. I can only hypothesise that the finding the appropriate modification for the Mattock will allow you to increase the slow rate of fire in the demo back up to it's familiar ME2 rate.

One thing I did forget to check was what difficulty the demo was set on. Nevertheless, the new Cerberus Troopers were certainly formidable. I was outflanked by a trooper on more than one occasion as I rushed in head long into cover half way down the battle-scarred walkways. In those situations, I found myself testing the new melee combo attacks on enemies that had closed me down, as well as using the new Omni-Blade. The Atlas mech on the other hand was a lot easier than I anticipated and whilst I’ll admit to using a couple of frag grenades on it, tearing through its shields and armour with just inappropriate Cryo Ammo equipped was manageable from the back of the landing bay area.

Engineer Class

The Engineer had the following powers:

  • Incinerate
  • Overload
  • Cryo Blast
  • Combat Drone
  • Sabotage
  • Sentry Turret
  • Tech Mastery
  • Fortitude
This power supposedly weakens organic enemy tech in addition to AI Hacking on synthetics.

Sentry Turret
This was a disc-like object which is thrown similarly to a frag grenade. However when it landed, a hard-light beam activated, splitting the disc and raising the top half to waist height. It was this top half that began shooting at the enemy you were aiming at in the first place.

This power appears to be shared by all classes and improves Shepard’s health, shields, heavy melee attack and Paragon/Renegade points.

Other things I learnt from my 2nd playthrough of the ME3 demo:

Blind Firing
When in cover, Shepard can pop around the corner and fire his weapon in the general direction of the crosshair without having to hold LT (on Xbox 360) to aim.

Liara’s Powers
Instead of the Asari Scientist power, from the Liar of the Shadow Broker, Liara’s ‘mastery’ power is now named Biotic Training. In ME3, she has a new power called Lift Grenade.

Garrus’ Powers
In ME3, Garrus has a new power called Proximity Mine.

Flaming Onmi-Blade
Obtained as a level 6 power evolution option for Shepard's Tech Mastery power. It is as effective in close quarters as it looks aweome!

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